Grant Applications

Fund grants are made for public charitable purposes which benefit citizens in the School District. The Fund seeks to respond with a wide variety of needs in the community.
Specific grant recommendations are made by the Distribution Committee. The size and number of grants are directly related to the amount of money available each year and the restrictions contributors have placed upon the uses of certain funds.
Generally, grants are made: to help launch new projects which represent a unique and unduplicated opportunity for the community; to support established organizations for special purposes; and, to generate matching funds. The Fund particularly encourages proposals for projects which:
Encourage more efficient use of community resources and promote coordination, cooperation and sharing among organizations and the elimination of duplicated services.
Test or demonstrate new approaches and techniques in the solution of important community problems.
Could not be accomplished with other sources of support.
Promote volunteer participation and citizen involvement in community affairs.
Strengthen non-profit agencies and institutions by reducing operating cost; increasing public financial support; and/or improving internal management.